Green Sea Turtle with Baby Turtles Tray Puzzle

My friend loves green sea turtles, and she shell-ebrated :wink: her 50th birthday last month. I took one of my previous puzzle designs, made it larger (~9" from 6") because she has some hand dexterity loss, and made a tray for it so I could add an engraved note to her for her birthday :heart_eyes_cat:

I also made her some baby sea turtle earrings to go with the gift, – can you tell the babies came from the same sea turtle puzzle? Jellyfish and Sea Turtle earrings

And since I love color, I painted and sealed it, which makes the puzzle only a little bit easier!

She loved it so much that she suggested I submit it to the Glowforge catalog so that others could enjoy it too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

So yay! Another of my puzzles added into the catalog. Thank you Glowforge for accepting it so quickly.

These would be great to make for June 16th – World Sea Turtle Day!


I can’t wait to print this one :slight_smile:


It is a terrific design that I have been admiring.


Really pretty! Nice work!


This is sooooo cute!!! Love the painted look!


Oh I saw that the other day! It’s beautiful :smiley:
I love the story even more :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Adding one more to my backlog. This is great!


This is absolutely what I have been looking for.
For my daughter’s second grade class they were looking for something that had pieces that they could all individually decorate for an auction for the school. Thank you so much for designing and sharing this!!!


Ohmygosh, this design is just perfect! And your painting takes it to a whole nother level.

If you used Proofgrade, what kind of paint did you use over that varnish? Would acrylic paint pens work?


Well happy belated birthday to your lovely wife! And thank her for us for telling you to submit this to the catalog!

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Aw shucks, thanks y’all!

@deirdrebeth I so enjoy reading why someone did a laser thing, not just the finished project. It makes the project so much more interesting to know a little history about it!

@Aloha, If you made a huge turtle puzzle, that would be so cool! No need for the tray then, since it does hold together as a puzzle without the tray too. I would love to see a group project decorated one!

@cynd11 I’ve been playing with gelli printing and basically used it to stamp on to the proofgrade finish after cutting. So I would add paint to the gel pad, roll it out with a brayer, then pick it up and plop it on top of the assembled puzzle, paint side down. For the color dots, they are acrylic craft paint with applied with a brush! I don’t know how well the clear coat will protect the acrylic from peeling off, but it can always be re-done :wink:

@ellencadwell, I’ll let my friend know of the belated birthday wishes and how well her suggestion went with the catalog submission!

@Aloha, squeeee. It is sooooo cool to see someone else cut out this design!


Mahalo for the honu!


Na’u ka hau’oli :heart_eyes_cat: