Grouped Design

Needing some help with a purchased design. It does not to seem to be as Glowforge ready as I had hoped. When I push it to the Glowforge app to cut, it is all grouped together. I have opened it in Illustrator hoping to ungroupe it, but it does not show that it is grouped. Nothing is overlapping and the cut, score and engrave lines are different colors. Can anyone please help?

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I have found the answer to my own question. Pull everything into the Glowforge app. Select everything I want to ungroup. Right click and select “ungroup”. Hope this can help someone else.


Glowforge sorts layers by color so if engraved color is different from score color and outline cut is different from inside cut, they will be separated into groups that way.


Thank you! GLowforge was actually grouping the whole design together. I was using Illustrator to try and ungroup, but it was not showing that it was grouped (tired of even saying that word) It was a pain.
I did not realize that I could select all of them and ungroup within the app. Worked out.


It might have been that the design was a compound path in Illustrator. You could try releasing the compound path (it’s under the Object menu) and see it that gives you access to the individual components.