Harry Potter Monopoly Final

Fantastic, are you selling this???

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No, definitely will stay in my personal collection. :slight_smile:


Talent!!! :pray::pray::pray: Thanks for sharing!


Wow! I am just blown away here. I am a long time graphic designer and decided to dive and take my work to the next level with purchasing a glowforge, after seeing a friend do the same a few years back. I just purchased a plus today. I was wanting to make some game boards like this one, as my girls are huge Harry Potter fans, so am I. I was wondering if you could share some good info how to get started with something like this. I would love to make this for my girls. Also do you by chance have files for sale? Thank you in advance for a response, and looking forward to creating masterpieces like this one! Excellent JOB!!

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Very nice

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Thank you. I do sell a blank Monopoly template, but this does not include any Harry Potter imagery. I made this as fan art, and it includes many copyrighted images that I found through simple Google searches. So, I can’t share my design due to these images not being mine. I’m sure some would argue that it’s illegal to use these images, even in fan art personal projects, but the board and files are not for sale, so I doubt the muggle attorneys will come after me. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have on the process I used.


I must admit I’m not the biggest monopoly fan, but what you’ve made is beautiful. Well done, well done.

For a long time graphic designer that should be enough (after learning how to use the Glowforge), I recall someone else made their monopoly board as four 11x11 quarters (leaving a quarter inch border) on the inside of a basic, and I think you can squeeze 2 -9,5x19 halves or even a 19x19 piece of leather if you were careful not to damage the black cable. I cut a long piece of cloth without using the passthrough just letting it pass over the door because it was thin and flexible enough to fit without binding :grin:

It would not be identical to yours but that would be a good thing for both of you also.


Thank you for getting back to me. I totally understand the whole copyright laws thing. I have been doing graphic design for over 20 years. I have dealt with many companies and this issue. I even had a large company ask me to not just recreate but copy a design exactly. I pulled my contract with them and never looked back. I say as long as its fan art for personal home use, that your not going to get into trouble over it. Sharing photos online could be seen as a no no, but like you said its your personal fan art, and the Muggle police are not going to crack down, unless your selling to the masses. Thank you for letting me know where to get the board design from. I am sure I would be able to come up with something just as nice for my girls, so again thank you for your help, it’s much appreciated.


Wow! Your creation is inspirational! The detail. The composition. The colors. Everything! I picture you in a closed room working with flashes of light penetrating the seems of the door and a slot in the bottom of the door where people can slide food and drink through. This creation is a hall of famer!


This is jaw droppingly cool. So well executed. So much of the Harry Potter world in every feature. Well done!


Hello this is amazing. Do you sell the plans to make it?

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Thanks. I don’t sell the Harry Potter version, as this was a personal project and the images are copyrighted. All of the imagery was found using google search.


Thanks for the response. Totally understandable. Did you make the 3D files for the tokens and houses/hotels as well or did you get them somewhere?

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I got all of those from Thingiverse.

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Thank you for this wonderful posts and the inspiration! I took up this project as a gift for my sister, who shared hundreds of monopoly games with me when we were kids.

The game board is going to be a veritable puzzle box, but for now I think I can safely share the unfinished backside of the board without spoiling the surprise!


Love it!


Board games are my favorite. This is a beautiful piece and such fun. Thanks for sharing.

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I would love to make something like this for my husband! Since you aren’t selling the design, have you by chance come across anyone selling/sharing designs like this? Great job btw! Seriously amazing!

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I’m sure there is something out there on the interwebs, but since it’s all copyrighted material, you may not find anything legit to buy. I’d just use a blank monopoly template, and add you own images and create a custom board yourself using a vector program like illustrator or inkscape.