Harry Potter Monopoly (picture heavy)

This is SO complex in all its different material and skill needs. Superb…really superb.


You went ALL out! This is FANTASTIC! I mean the colors, details, everything


That is REALLY nice! Congratulations on a job so well done!


Wow! Truly amazing work!


Welcome to the forum!!

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I started this project not long after I got my glowforge. It was maybe my 2nd or 3rd project. Talk about the deep end of the pool! @ahvaness was very helpful in trying to get me past some snags I encountered. Your game looks outstanding. Mine wasn’t quite up to either your or his standards, but my granddaughters (twins) loved the sets I made for them. I’m working on two more for my two God daughters.
It was a VERY educational process for me. I don’t have a woodshop, so the box design turned out to be one of the stumbling blocks. So…I decided to find a box design and copy the engravings onto that. Now I can make boxes for things I want and can add artwork to just about any idea!
The engraving on the coins is one of the longest processes in the build - Four sets of games require 840 coins!
Lots of work to build, but lots more enjoyment out of the process and the giving.
p.s.: I had several (12!) mistakes making the title deeds…slap on a sticky backed cork layer and viola! Coasters!


yeah, i can see this being a really tough “early” project. and i’m amazed that you stuck with making FOUR of them. i enjoyed the final product (as did my gift recipient), but I’m not planning on slogging through all of that engraving again :face_with_raised_eyebrow:.


Late entry – How did you do those coins? Are those just straight up engraved onto the front? With no burning??

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they’re engraved on both sides and spray painted with silver, gold, and bronze spraypaint. there’s some burn, but it’s covered up with paint.


wowza!! great work!

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WOW! Brilliant work!

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