Harry Potter Signs

Brick wall behind the DIagon Alley sign is by Nino Barbieri under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic license (CC BY-SA 2.5 Deed | Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic | Creative Commons)

This is a little off the main path for the sort of stuff I normally do but, some children of whom I am fond are incorporating reading the Harry Potter books into their educational curriculum and, taking a fairly immersive approach. So, obviously, some signs were needed for the decor.

These are inspired by but, not exact reproductions of anything from the franchise. I looked at photos of old London street signs and other fan art for inspiration.

It looks like the typeface used on a lot of old UK street signs has been encoded in a font called Kindersley Street / Kindersley Grand Arcade, which you can download for free here:


There is also a collection of other fonts that are based on or, evocative of, the franchise, all downloadable here:

The corner ornaments on the library sign are my original design because I couldn’t find any clipart that I loved with a cursory search.

These are made from Rowmark two-tone acrylic but, could be made layered, too.

Feel free to share and remix!

HP_Signs.zip (791.3 KB)


nice! My kids would love these :smile: thanks for the files!


Fun!! Thank you!!!

I made a Platform clock for my daughter. She has a Harry Potter room.


That’s some nice work! thank you for the share.


Wow, that two-tone has come out very clean. I go nowhere with my trials, dirty finish and rough surface from the engrave.

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Love these! Thanks for the info on the fonts.


Thanks for sharing :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Oh, these are so nice—thank you! I think I need the Restricted Section sign on my refrigerator. :laughing:


I almost included a closer shot on one of the engraves:

There is some texture in the engraved area but, it’s a pretty unobtrusive slight orange-peel sort of thing. It felt like it fit the vibe for a public sign. It’s even less noticeable on the library signs since those were white on the top layer (i.e., white that engraves to black).

I engraved without masking and, there was some smoke/residue deposition on the white areas. A little citrus solvent took it right off. I followed that with couple washings with dishsoap and water to remove the residue from citrus solvent.


They look great, but a point of detail:

“Classical” UK street and transportation signs are generally smooth black surface (or colors) for letters and border, with the white area recessed, so you would engrave them opposite of how you did these.

Modern ones are just printed on flat steel or aluminum, like you would find here in the US, but as most of the infrastructure is fairly old, the antique ones are predominant.


Thank you.

The platform and Diagon Alley signs are the smooth black-on-top acrylic with the white being the recessed engraved area. The lettering and border are detectably raised when viewed or touched in person. I think that’s how you are describing that they should be.

It’s just the library signs that are smooth white on top with the black recessed/engraved.


Got it. Nice.

I made a platform 9 3/4 keychain for my niece. I used a texture from PowerPoint to give the background engrave a “cast” look using 3D engrave.

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Oh! That’s a nice idea.

I can’t find the file, I probably just took a screen shot from PowerPoint and loaded that into the UI.

Checking in PowerPoint, I think the texture was “Granite”…

I know it’s ridiculous and I’m quite handy in Inkscape and Gimp, but my career of over 20 years had me using PowerPoint on a daily basis and some things are just so quick and simple to produce using it. My niece was thrilled and I think I spent 2 minutes “designing” it. I have a document I just keep adding to, it’s over 40 “slides” and includes things like the dodecahedron we contributed to, my “brand” that I put on things I give away, and dozens of stupid simple things I’ve made to make my life easier.

(I think I made this keychain before I started keeping a “rolling” PPTX file of all the nonsense I come up with…)

A small sample. I use it for vinyl cutting work as well…


These are fantastic! Thanks for sharing them.

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Very nice and generous share. I know some HP fans who would love these!

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There is a related topic in Beyond the Manual now for discussing Rowmark Two-Tone Acrylic Settings.



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Maybe in topic, but not in quality. All of your projects rock!!

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Thank you so much for sharing! I’m having a Harry Potter baby shower for daughter and these are perfect!

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