Has anyone tried cutting preglued wood veneer (edge banding?)

Has anyone had any experience cutting that edge banding - thin wood veneer that’s preglued and you apply with heat? Does it make a mess with the glue?


I did it on a bookcase, and no glue escaped at all.


Thanks! I was hoping the laser would be fast enough to not melt the glue and make a mess. Yay!


It might be worth your time to get the MSDS to find out what’s in that glue/veneer. Chances are it’s fine, if it’s real hardwood veneer and a typical heat activated glue… but as with any new composite material it’s usually a good idea to be really sure that’s no PVC in it.


Thank you, that’s very good advice.


I think your biggest issue may be it regluing itself - but you can pull it apart fairly easily.

That shouldn’t be too big a deal. Making it lay flat to cut is my next issue. LOL It’s 3" edge banding so it shouldn’t be too big a problem.

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Regular veneer comes with press-on adhesive and masking so will cut to any width you want, but shorter length. :slightly_smiling_face:

Pricier than I would have thought though :money_mouth_face:

To make the edge banding flat just leave it flattened (under a book etc.) for a few days.

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The cost was why I chose the banding since I don’t need a lot of it. But it certainly would be a lot easier to work with. Good advice about flattening it, thanks!


If anyone’s interested, I did a test with white oak edge banding. I just used the proofgrade settings for maple veneer as a start and that was fine. No trouble with the glue - no mess and it didn’t stick to itself. Yay!


Nice to see someone get a round tuit.


Have you tried attaching it to something? Does the glue still function as expected after being lasered? I never tried doing the middle!

Yep, it was fine. It barely effected the glue at all, even around the cut edges. I was pleasantly surprised!

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I found a small scrap of edge banding, I don’t know the material. It was curved so I used a couple of powerful bar magnets to secure the edges onto the bed, and cut a random shape (like a key silhouette)… I then used my crafting iron (the only iron I own) onto a piece of scrap ply, and it bonded just fine.

So with my limited experience, with the material I happened to have on-hand, it works just fine.

I used 250/FULL (I have a Pro) to cut it. Probably could increase speed or use reduced power but I’ve been using the GF long enough to know when to just wing it.


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