Has anyone used this on the glowforge aura?

Looking to make crochet hat tags with this and it says laserable just need settings if someone has used it before that would be great.


Welcome to the forum. You have come to the right place for assistance.

I have moved this post to Beyond the Manual as we are discussing non Proofgrade materials.

Your best bet when it comes to using your laser, is to understand how to test new materials to get the results you desire. This may seem like a waste of time if others have already determined settings, but it is valuable experience that will enable you to get the best results from your Aura. That being said, I have engraved similar material with the setting of 200/2.7/135.

You will find lots of useful information here: 1: I'm new to Glowforge and really have no idea where to start


I’d start by testing the material using the default settings for Proofgrade Leather. The Aura has settings for Thin, Medium, & Thick. As long as your material isn’t white or blue, the Aura should be able to handle it.

BTW, you can expect that cutting/engraving leather to be quite odorous – much more so that any other material. The only thing that stinks worse is bone/horn, but that’s not a problem as they fit in the white material category.

Welcome to the community!


Aura can cut white and blue leathers, wood, paper, etc. The white/pastel/blue/clear limitation only applies to acrylics and some plastics. (I have successfully cut white styrene for example)


I stand corrected. Thanks!