1: I'm new to Glowforge and really have no idea where to start

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Glowforge has a getting started page, it’s definitely worth your time:

One portion of those pages covers the basic use of the Glowforge print interface. It’s a great way to get familiar with the Glowforge tools:


When you’re ready for even more info, you’ll find everything in here interesting and useful, read through it and everything it links to.

If you like to learn via video, check out this thread by @polarbrainfreeze, he’s one of the most expert users on the forum:

A long while ago @cmreeder made this guide for new users, it’s full of handy tips. It’s an older thread but the bulk of what he mentions is still relevant.

A relatively new topic that is about what new users might like to know can be found here:

And lastly, don’t forget that there are more tutorials in the Tips and Tricks section of the forum. This will get you started:

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