I’m buying some laser cut files created in Corel Draw from a friend. She was trying to convert them to SVG for me, but when I uploaded the SVG to Glowforge, it gave me a CSS error, though I so think it uploaded the different layers (thicknesses of wood needed). Is this because the text wasn’t changed to curves when she converted the file? I want to let my friend know so she can fix it on her end and then resend me the SVG to test.
I have never heard of a CSS error, but SVG is just a “container” like PDF - so see if they can change to PDF format.
You could also try opening the files in a true vector design app like Inkscape, then copying the parts you need over to a new file without all the clutter Corel might be putting in.
I’m going to ask my friend to send the Corel file and see if I can’t figure it out in Inkscape, but from what I’ve found, I think it may have to do with the way the text converts and it throws an error code. My other option, if no one in the Community can help is to purchase a monthly sub of Corel and then just play with the files until I get what I need. I do know the file contains items that need to be cut in different thicknesses, but I do believe that converted correctly.
Thank you!
There is no concept of material thickness in terms of what Glowforge “sees” - that’s defined solely in the user interface.
All it knows is paths and bitmaps, plus colors that define different “steps”.
I don’t know about your error, but my friend works in corel draw and every time she needed to send me a file to cut, i needed her to save it as a pdf. I couldn’t even open it in inkscape or GF otherwise. So have her save them as pdf files if you want to work with them.
Thank you! I’ll ask my friend to export as a PDF. I guess I didn’t realize (or more accurately, remember) that Glowforge can cut PDFs.
One question for you, how about engraving lines? Do those get encoded/embedded in the PDF or do I have to do something different?
The PDF file uploaded perfectly, no errors. I think the CSS error was because my friend notated the different thicknesses of wood needed in the file itself and SVGs are finicky about conversion of text.
Thank you!
The GF interface has no concept of material “thickness” from an exernal file. It is purely defined in the interface itself.
Engraves are filled shapes. The thing to note is that it took a lot of work to get my friend’s files cut ready. For every engrave she wanted, her file had layers of colors that I needed to ungroup and remove. Since my friend was coming from a print design background and not laser or cutting, it could be different. For example, whenever I ungrouped her files, I’d have to search for layers of white color she used to help create shapes and images because glowforge reads white fill as an engrave, not something to be ignored.