Having way too much fun!

That is a brilliant idea! I am going to make mine in counts of 5 or 10 now!


@Helene , @kelley1 - I will warn you, when working with dark yarn the darker colors make it harder to see without direct lighting over the loom. I thought I was going blind. LOL


and @Helene , you are right; the darker rows are hard to see. Mixing non-glossy wood with the glossy acrylic has an interesting (non-desirable) effect, too.


Oh, now I am wondering what if the barrel ā€œgutsā€ was made of acrylic and litā€¦


Could be interesting. I didnā€™t leave a lot of room in the base for ā€œextrasā€ but I am sure it could be done.

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Andā€¦ Iā€™ve subbed!

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Forgive meā€¦Not sure what that means. Is that a good thing?

I subscribed to your Youtube channel. :wink:


HAHAā€¦I am oldā€¦you have to talk slowly. And thank you!


That will help with stitch-counting!


Definitely. There is really no way to put a stitch marker on it, so itā€™s the next best thing! LOL


This is awesome! I subscribed on Youtube and shared to FB. I love your creativity!

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Thank you so much! Designing is so much fun for me. I am glad you like the Loom Video!

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I have to say, I donā€™t understand this contraption at all, but then again, I have never knitted in my life. That said, it looks so cool I almost want to make one and learn (but I have way too much wood stacked everywhere for glowie, and not enough time or creativity to use it all). All that to say, really impressive!


This is the most brilliant thing I have ever seen! You are a genius!

Iā€™ve been knitting for over 50 years and I love knitting gadgets. This is now at the very top of my knitting wish list! Where do I get get one?

Mind blown!!

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Thank you! I am such a knitting nerd as well. I created the loom to be functional and easy. You can find it at my Etsy store ExcitedAtomDesign. I have more pattern guides coming and more videos too! You can see the video on my YouTube channel Excited Atom Design.


I watched the video you posted here. I was absolutely mesmerized! I canā€™t wait to try this thing. It will probably be a fall project, but Iā€™m just so excited. I will find your Etsy store and favourite it.

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