Head not found: solution

for the last 3 hours i have been trouble shooting the head of my glowforge… i recently put alot of hour onto my machine and said i would clean it before a new project. starting back up there was immediately an issue. i was like oh great, i mustve used too much canned air, unplugged the white ribbon too rough, maybe damaged some tech or burnt something out by over using it. NOPE. for a minute it would only move to the left and would get stuck once all the way to the left.

WELL my issue is that when i put the laser head back on, the black band thats underneath that brings it back and fourth was on wrong, the teeth face eachother NOT away from eachother. this mistake is something i did 6 months ago and somehow thought i was above from doing this time… hopefully i learned for good.

its printing SO smoothly now. how can you check? looking at how far the laser head goes on the arm in the machine, the head can go past the black protective piece and can be nudged into the corner. i think this machines ability to sense something is off is super keen and its most of the time a users mistake but no machine is perfect!

give your machine some love and put it back together slowly, with love.


Thrilled you found your answer easily! Far too many folks on here say “it’s not that” and waste hours/days looking at other things before they finally check the easy ones :slight_smile:

If it’ll help you next time, a Sharpie on the metal frame with a note of “teeth in” might be all you need!


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