This uses the same homemade stock of acrylic sandwiched with wood veneer. I was originally designing this to be lit up (see test piece), but then decided that it was cute just as a box.
I like the contrast of the clean acrylic edges combined with the charred edges of the proof grade plywood. (I did have to spend some serious time cleaning up my printer after cutting the acrylic veneer hybrid material.)
The hedgehog box is sweet. I miss my hedgie! Did you also engrave the cardboard box? I’m kind of obsessed with that. Channeling my inner toddler (or cat), I guess!
No. I wish that I did. I found the paper and decided to construct a custom box that I made out of chipboard which I did cut out on the forge.
I did cut and engrave the closure button and the paper inside of the round box. I had to spray the green paper with a lacquer after engraving, as the engraved bits got pretty fragile.