Help! My glowforge is stuck in set up mode...,I think

My glow forge was working fine, then it was stuck on centering and still is. I cleaned everything, check cables and connections and all seems to be fine. Now its stuck in set up mode. Can anyone help me please. ps Its still not centering

The machine only enters “set up” mode if you hold the button for 10 seconds or so until it starts to slowly blink on and off.

If that is what you did, then you need to repeat the wifi setup, from any device connected to the internet.

If you are having a different issue, then please clarify. Being “stuck on centering” has nothing to do with wifi setup, although it can show up if the wifi connection is having issues.

I went through the Wi-Fi set up again

When this first started it was stuck in centering the camera will not move

The project I worked on previously is still showing in the computer

I looked up the issue with the troubleshooter guide and it told me to repeat Wi-Fi set up

When I went thru those steps it says Huraazh you’re connects but the teal light is still on ( steady light) and same screen is still showing on the computer and the camera head won’t move

Any suggestions as how to resolve it

Ps I unplugged router and disconnected the glowforge and repeated set a few times

It’s still saying offline

Thanks for your help

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