Help with Glowforge setting

I am puzzled by how my Glowforge Pro is cutting. I am working with Plexi and the cutting setting I’ve been using is full power at 165. This has been working for 6 weeks or better. I’ve cut about 100 items. Then out of the blue is stopped working. I change the speed first to 160 and when that did not work, I tried 155. Today I used a piece of Plexi from Glowforge so it could read the per set speed and power. It did not cut through the Plexi. Can anyone tell me what is going on? thanks Kay

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This may seem obvious, but I must ask anyway…have you cleaned all of your optics?


If you’ve been cutting non-proofgrade materials, it may contain something that is vaporizing and depositing stuff that affects the beam. As stated above, clean the optics.

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