These boxes were cut on a Nomad 883 desktop CNC machine. I used the Glowforge to make tooling to get the lid pockets centered (shims and a “practice target”), to engrave my Evermore ambigram on the bottoms of the boxes, and to cut headliner fabric to line the interiors.
I’m curious - does the CNC make it as easy as the laser does to increase size? So if you wanted to make that 4x the size would it be point and click or more complicated?
Mostly yes. The CNC can work with SVGs for 2.5D, or with full 3D models. The 2.5D stuff will scale quickly, even preserving the cut operations (like the settings in the GFUI – tool, speed, rate of movement, etc.). So, about the same. With 3D models, you would have to regenerate the tool paths, which is a tiny bit more work.
This machine has a little more depth than a Glowforge (I see an inch quoted but, am pretty sure I could manage a little deeper with it). 4x the height of this box is probably too much, though. The bed size is also 8 inches square. There are other CNC machines with different limitations.
Hybrid builds are the best builds! That’s very nice. I need a flip jig like that for my CNC, but the pins would obviously need to be spaced differently. Thanks for posting.