Stella4D tells me that this is a Heptagonal Antiprism Dual Morph 38.2%. We’ll just call it a Honeycomb bowl. Using the same process I use to create my other polyhedrals, this uses 3D printed connectors with screws. Just decorative, I suppose, but different enough to lead me down a new path with design.
It’s a Bee Bowl!
Hepta implies 7 sided so it should still be Hexagonal?
You could 3D print your connectors in a bee shape. Next level stuff. Just sayin.
I count 7… ?
You are correct and I swear I saw six sides …DOH!!
I don’t care how many sides it has, I love it.
Very cool!
Every time you post one of these, it makes me want to get a 3D printer that much more. Funny enough, it was because of my interest in 3D printers that I had found the Glowforge, since I began searching right after they launched their crowdfunding campaign. Got a Glowforge, then got a second one, and still never got a 3D printer
Was going to say thinking out of the box, but it is more thinking into the box.
Nice twist on common theme.
this is just stunning ! well done!
Neat! Somehow an inner bowl insert could be created so it can be useful? A bowl liner perhaps?
The original thought was to have a living hinge internal wall to hide the connectors, but I got lazy and just wanted to see if the shaped worked. Version 2 for sure!
Totally understand - it looks very cool!
Maybe you can come up with one of those spiral cut bowls - rest with a lip on the top and then spirals down by itself…
WOW!!! At first glance it looks like a bracelet. Could you make one the size of a bracelet?
I like this shape even more than the globe-like ones! You could use it as a platform for a matching globe, if you’re looking for a function for these.
Yes, but the connectors and screws would have to be really small. Great idea!
Holy cow brother. You do amazing work!
This is fantastic!
Gorgeous! The honeycomb looks so cool on this shape.