How to get past the Premium signup screen so I can do my first print job?

I was finally able to get my GL connected to my secure network. It is wanting me to do my first print job, but I cannot get past the Premium signup screen without signing up for it. Pressing Esc does not close it. I don’t see a menu item to close it. Is there some secret keyboard shortcut that will close it?

Rich V

Welcome to the forum.
Are you sure that it is the premium sign up that is preventing you from advancing. Before your first print, you have to check “agree” to some terms and conditions. Look at the lower right side of your screen and see if you need to scroll down to that acknowledgement.


Welcome! When you log in to for the first time, you’ll automatically get a 14-day trial to upgrade to Glowforge Premium. You’ll have 14 days to try out all the graphics and fonts, special designs, creative tools, faster print processing, and more that are included with Glowforge Premium.

In order to get the Design of the Month or the Free with Premium catalog designs, you will need a credit card on file. Once you provide your credit card, you’ll be able to download the designs for free. Please note, you will need to enter your credit card here and not when purchasing a design from the shop.

If you add your credit card during the trial, your payment will be processed at the end of your trial period. And of course, you can cancel anytime.

It looks like you’ve gotten logged in, so I’m going to go ahead and close this post. If you run into any trouble, please feel free to reach out.