How to make offset layered designs

I was asked to make a video on how to make offset layered designs in illustrator. This is how I do them, I am sure there is other ways as well. I hope this tutorial helps someone out along the way. If you make something from it, I’d love to see how it turned out:


Very nicely done. It’s my goal this year to learn about AI. Any specific tutorials for beginners you recommend? I feel pretty comfortable with Inkscape but want to learn AI.


I have a few but there kinda all over the place. This series I made, in episode 8, 10, and 11 I kinda show different basics but I have several others. As far as outside my channel to learn I always learned by looking up a specific thing I was trying to do and seen how someone did it then played around in the program trying to figure out a flow that works best for me since there is so many ways to do the same thing.


one thing i noticed in your tutorial. when you shared image trace, you went in an manually deleted all the white areas. if you open the “advanced” part of the image trace dialog, you can actually just tell it to “ignore” a color, which defaults to white, and it won’t even create the white parts for you to manually delete.


Oh nice! Thanks for this. I never knew this all this time ha ha. I’m fully self taught so I am always excited to learn something new.


honestly, there are so many buried features that nobody knows them all. i learn things all the time and i’ve been using illustrator for 25+ years.


Yea for sure. That’s why in a lot of my tutorials I say this is how I do it but there’s probably many ways to do this lol


i do a lot of template training in InDesign for my company. i show people multiple ways to do the same thing because i know some people like shortcut keys and some people are mouse people, or any other multitude of ways to skin the same cat.




I like watching people work, even if it’s something I think I already know how to do, because you can pick up so many of these kinds of tips to add to your collection.


My wife assures me there is really only one good way… or at least in anatomy class in vet school only one way was “correct” (note this was way back before many vet schools stoped using cadavers


i mean, just cuz they all went to school for years, got tested many times, had to get licenses… sure, that make them the “experts.”


Dude she’s standing right next to me, she can hear you! She cuts off testicles for a living, do not make her angry!


you should be worried, then. your testicles are a lot closer to her than mine…


(and my wife has become a volunteer vet assistant in the surgery room at our local shelter, so i get lots of photos of things like tiny testicles)


Over 30 years of marriage, I know what drawer she keeps them in… :grinning:


Our poor son (the airline pilot) hated family dinner between me, my wife and my daughter in the ER as the “oh yeah you should have seen the femur sticking out of the calf! My daughter’s first case was a multiple vehicle crash and one of the driver had a displaced open knee fracture and came describing it “omg it was so cool you could see the patella and all the ligaments and after they lifted the patella I could see into the joint space. Yeah we knew at that point she’d be fine in med school…


can’t gross me out. i can eat while you say pretty much anything.

heck, i met my wife when she was my waitress one night. we got to talking, and she said, “i have to get up really early for my internship tomorrow.” i said, “where?” she said, “the DC morgue.” and i fell in love.


Every ambulance association’s holiday dinner experience :smiley:

I always felt bad for the significant others of the crews. We’re all talking about the cool accidents and they’re looking at us trying to figure out whether that enthusiasm might portend bad things if we ever snapped from the stress. Kind of like “are we in a Stephen King movie?”


I was teaching a high school honors anatomy lab with my wife and the subject was a dog and I had pretty much fully dissected it autopsy style and a few of the kids looked a little green around the edges (in fairness to them they were all remarkably mature and professional for 17 year olds!) and one of the girls looks at me when the teacher told us we were invited to lunch with the faculty after (I’m an alum) and asks “are you going to be able to eat after this?” seeming incredulous that anyone’s stomach would be OK after handling pretty much every internal organ (plus my wife who at the time had torn her ACL skiing 4 days prior dissected the knee to show that the dog also had a torn CCL (the equivalent) and I laughed “as a doctor, I could eat during this!”.

I will note that I did win the hospital one day as an intern when I managed to disgust the urology consult resident (I am not going to describe it because it was pretty grim, but trust me that is an amazing achievement considering what they look at all day, and took the arrogant resident down a few pegs that the “stupid medicine intern” didn’t know what he was talking about) when after she saw the urologic disaster I had called her with at 3am she walked away muttering to herself “that is was the most disgusting thing she’d ever seen” (the patient was taken to the OR shortly thereafter)