I can't get started with my new unit cuz it won't go online! so frustrated!

Always wished GF would create their own videos for unboxing, connection, first cuts, trace, pass thru, etc.

That unprofessional video took me all of ten minutes. I didn’t put any real thought into it so there are a lot of other unanswered questions surrounding wifi connections. Was tired of answering the same questions over and over again. Could make a much more comprehensive video in about an hour but honestly it’s not our job.


Yeah, that’s my only complaint so far; they should have better instructions, and more teaching about how to design stuff for the GF, etc. for us noobs who don’t have a clue what we’re doing yet. Also 24/7 tech support would be awesome., especially since I’m nocturnal, lol. Appreciate all you guys!


They’re working on tech support…they just implemented phone support. Before that, it was email only and a chat feature for a short period of time. Glowforge isn’t in the business of teaching design classes. I got my machine over 4 years ago and not only didn’t know anything about lasers but also did not know anything about designing files for one. You’ll have to do like many of us have done,…teach yourself. It can be rather daunting, but the rewards will be many. This forum is pretty much the Glowforge Bible of knowledge and creativity…and will be your best friend moving forward. Have fun!


Oh be quiet, Discourse. I am just saying thanks for updating the top post and saying thank you. @rpegg is the veteran of veterans on this forum.

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I’m sorry for the frustrating start with your new Glowforge. It’s great to see that the advice from our other community members got you connected and printing! Thanks folks!

I also appreciate your feedback about wanting more resources for learning design and other topics. I’ll share these suggestions with our product team with a note that they came from one of our Glowforge owners.

If you run into trouble again, or have any questions for our team, please reach out and we’ll be happy to help!