I had my first failure today

I was trying to make something for my son’s birthday today. He loves PJMasks so I got a neat picture and edited it to be black and white and high contrast, but I think too much background And not enough contrast made it come out really…not good.

It’s good to fail sometimes. It’s a good learning experience. Back to the Photoshop and I’ll try again.


Did you try it at a lower power? It looks to me like it might be fine if it weren’t so burned!


I didn’t. This was at full power. Any ideas what power you’d try?

Is that Baltic birch? We can’t discuss non-PG settings except in the Beyond the Manual section, but a search over there should bring up quite a few suggestions for you.

I’d take a small section of the design, like maybe one of the faces (sort of like I did here), and then try it at various settings until you find what works.


I think the problem is that you went with variable power. If you went with very high LPI and just a good contrast, and dot dithering, with a highish speed you might see a much better result. As dot dithering has every dot at the same depth and the same level of black it is the concentration of dots that sets the shade and by that unlimited shade are available. If you try to made shades by just burning more there are not many shades available and just wiping it down will lose most of those.

The size of each dot is set by the LPI so the highest LPI will have the tiniest dots.


Excellent suggestions! Thank you both for the input!

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