Import issues from Inkscape

Here’s a zip of my test SVG for test purposes: (930 Bytes)

This is what the code looks like:
For further details, this is the code for my test SVG:

	<path xmlns="" d="M 0,0 v 3 a 3,-3 0 0 0 3,3   h 10
			 											  a 3,-3 0 0 0 3,-3  v -3 z"
		  style="stroke:#ff0000;stroke-width:0.25" id="path1010"/>

  	<path xmlns="" d="M0,10 v 3 a 3,-3 0 0 1 3,3   h 10
  			 											  a 3,-3 0 0 1 3,-3  v -3 z"
  		  style="stroke:#0000ff;stroke-width:0.25" id="path1010"/>