I am interested in having in-person training by someone who is very familiar with the Glowforge. Hopefully the person lives in the DMV area, Maryland, Virginia, DC. Is anyone interested in this for compensation?
Thank you
I am interested in having in-person training by someone who is very familiar with the Glowforge. Hopefully the person lives in the DMV area, Maryland, Virginia, DC. Is anyone interested in this for compensation?
Thank you
Welcome to the forum.
I can’t help you with in-person training, but I can assure you there are lots of people here in the forum that will help you use your Glowforge safely and enjoyably. I suggest you set it up, work through the tutorials and return here if you have any questions.
I came in where you are, and all I needed was this community. Its really not as difficult as it seems, especially with the desire to learn that you demonstrate.
I certainly can help with that! There has been a lot of people in the DMV asking about training in person. I’m near Fredericksburg area
I would love to tag along if you do find someone. I live in VA and I just got my Glowforge Plus this weekend.
To MyDogs:
That would be great. What would work best for you? Me come to you or you come to me?
CC1: That would be fine with me as long as it is fine with the person teaching!
Thanks for your support.
Thank you for letting me know.
What area of VA do you live in? And @cc1 can certainly join!
I actually live in Upper Marlboro, MD. You can contact me at giftbasketsid@outlook.com and we can chat in detail, if you like. CC1 as well!
funny how i came in wondering this and voila~ i c things are rolling along just fine in Maryland!
only difference is my wife & i are in the heart of Mississauga (west Cooksville) and we’d need someone a lot closer to stop by and help get us over the initial hump of plug & play. we’re likewise open to paying fair compensation for your time and expertise, please email spinmanfinn@gmail.com if you’re willing and able.
I’d happy to help virtually if you’re interested. I created a Glowforge course with pre-recorded videos, weekly live sessions, yspecial guests, a private Facebook group, and 1:1 Zoom sessions: https://glowforgeforbeginners.com - It’s a great group - the weekly live sessions are a lot of fun (and we learn a lot).
I am in Manassas.
sounds like the perfect plan B! we may well be logging in for walk-throughs soon, still have to work out the venting solution. by that i mean pay for the contractor to drill the hole through our basement wall, lol.
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