Instant Pot

Just ordered one! I see lots of delicious hearty bean soups in my future this winter! (Without having to cook all day unless I want to.) :grin::+1:


Even if you don’t use it for elaborate dishes, one of the reasons I love mine is because it does white rice in 6 minutes and wild rice in 30. It takes about 10 minutes to get up to pressure, but that’s still about half the time it used to take me to cook rice in a steamer.

I just wish they sold the inner container with a plastic lid, so I could keep a few with prepped food in the fridge, and just drop it into the cooker ready-to-go throughout the week.

This is the knockoff Instant Pot I got:


That one looks nice too. I guess I need to go scrounge up some recipes for this thing. :grinning:

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This is my favorite pressure cooker recipe.



Is that anything like Puritan-brand stew? If you don’t know what Puritan stew is, here’s a review.
I’m not terribly surprised that the person who posted this only had one blog entry; I suspect he died shortly thereafter. It’s the worst, bottom of the barrel, wouldn’t feed it to an animal even if they were headed to the slaughter house kind of stew.


Dinty Moore is delicious! It’s my go-to camping food if not actually “cooking”.


Hmmm… sounds like another device I own. :sunglasses:


Ha! Looks like someone beat me to it.

As an Armenian, I am trying not to cringe too hard at the Scriracha, lol
Now I know how the French feel like when people ask for catsup. :laughing:

I am sure it is good, I just am having a time wrapping my mind around that concept after being hardwired to enjoy my hummus a different way. ( I go nuts on the lemon and garlic )

I made this and it’s very good, thanks!

This is definitely not traditional hummus - toasted sesame oil instead of tehina would make my great grandfather shudder. But everyone does it differently, and my ancestors would probably have used zhug or harissa… neither of which is too far from sriracha, but neither of which I keep year-round in my fridge. (Although I do have one hell of a harissa recipe that we save for special occasions).

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On the subject of recipe sharing.

I follow this youtuber! She’ has some really yummy recipe and her videos really help!

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