Is my lid camera misaligned?

Thanks @palmercr, looking forward to your results.

To me there is a clear distinction between accuracy of the laser in ‘normal’ operation - i.e. from a vector or raster file and conversely, GF’s attempt at optical alignment via the camera.

I expect the former to be flawless since the hardware seems to be quality but any work involving the camera - either scanning images or aligning materials for cutting or engraving - seems still flawed at this point.

All of this comes back to the requirement for an absolute zero / homing point which has been requested by many. Currently we seem to be resigned to makeshift solutions of rigs & jigs & trial & error. If we’re not able to reliably cut or engrave from a known physical (calibrated) 0,0 point on the bed, this will hugely limit the unit’s functionality for us. And it will be a major design flaw.