Issues with left tension belt after I turn on my glowforge pro

I recently replaced my left tension belt and also carriage belt. I was thinking thats why my cut wood pieces didn’t align correctly-I like making snap together projects. After I replaced both belts, I turned my machine on. As soon as it starts to try and center, it makes a grinding noise on the left belt and doesn’t move much, and I get an error code saying it was bumped or obstacle alert. Ive tried looking on YouTube for any videos or advice, but nothing really. Has anyone else had issues like this? Thank you!

It sounds like an issue with the belt tension, or installation - like it’s twisted. Too tight or twisted could cause it to “jam”, too loose could cause it to slip.

Never experienced it because I never replaced or even adjusted the tension in the several years I owned my first machine.


That makes sense. I wonder if I made the belt too tight? I will try to loosen and see if that helps! Thanks for responding :slight_smile:

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The installation instructions tell you how to check the tension of the belts, but as the left and righ should be the same, you can simply press both at the same time to compare.


good idea! Ill try that before I call customer service :slight_smile:


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