It's about

…time that I share something I’ve made! I’ve had my machine for a few months now, and have made a ton of things! This is an earring display and a bunch of earrings I’ve made for christmas shows.

I will try to post more of what I’ve made, and am working on. I’m not very good with social media, but I’m really good at making things! :smiley:


I’ll just use your own words " I’m really good at making things!"


Haha! Thanks! I am pretty confident in my making ability…but I also know that I really do suck at getting my stuff out there for others to enjoy…and I’m a terrible sales person! “Oh, you don’t like what I made, that’s ok, the next booth over might have what you’re looking for”.
I’m pretty proud of the custom wallet I made for my husband for christmas too, I’ve been trying to post pictures of that since I made it…and it’s already march…


Yes, you most certainly are!


Very cool earrings, and I want to see the wallet as well!


How nice … well done!


Very nice!




There’s nothing like enjoying your craft! Great work!


Oh wow, did you add a darker backing behind the honeycomb? they really make your earrings stand out!

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What a beautiful display and awesome range of work!

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Can you share more pictures of the yellow/orange gradient one in the top corner? That looks super cool!

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Beautiful selection of dangles, and I love the display! Makes quite a statement! :grinning:

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It is fabric…also cut out with the glowforge :slight_smile:

Thanks! I’ve always loved honeycomb (and the pattern!) and it doesn’t help that my hubby is a beekeeper. We sell bee related products, and this design tied everything together! I’m also in the middle of designing another honeycomb display that I can hang earring cards on, not just the earrings like in this one. I also made a small honeycomb stud stand. I really need to take photos of them all and share them here.


Those ones are sold and gone! I painted the wood first and then engraved and cut them out. Mountains are what’s engraved on them. I made others similar with teepees! They were super cute! I may have another picture on my phone, I’ll go search it…

Edit - the photos on my phone are no better. Sorry!

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Love this!!! Thanks for sharing!! Beautiful creations :+1:

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Omg, that sheep set!


Oh, I missed the sheep…those are cute! :smile:

Here’s a few more photos of earrings. The studs in my hand are made out of mirrored acrylic I found at a local used materials store. Those designs are from the noun project subscription, the rest of the earrings are my designs. The clear acrylic is proofgrade. The woods are non proofgrade. The displays are non proofgrade backed with fabric, that I edged with copper tape.

I do sell the displays but was also thinking about selling some of my design files. I’ve never sold digital files before, but I have created a lot over the years. I’m still thinking about that one.