Guys and gals if you haven’t noticed yet I put the SVG in the free download section of the forum. you just have to make one promise. if you make this project or put something in the box post it on the forum so all can see what is possible with the Glowforge. I cant wait to see what someone will come up with or how they might change it up. thanks
I love this box! Thanks for sharing the design! I printed it today and it went together perfect with medium PG walnut…
Now, I don’t yet have it functioning. I have a couple 3W speakers and am looking to pickup a small Amp board. The one question I have is should I look for a 12V amp or the more common 5V amp board and step down the voltage? This is the 12v faceplate I have…
Any direct pointers to components needed and/or wiring hints are appreciated, I’m still very much learning about these things.
I have only used the 12 volt version of this bluetooth stereo and amplifier board . It was a pam stereo board I think. Can’t remember right of hand. But you could make this design larger and put in something bigger with a volume.
It’s amp is the pam 2 channel amplifier from ebay. The lights and switches came from radio shack before they closed up. The holes for them should give you dimensions you need. The only place I have to buy electronics is ebay. Yours looks great in proof grade. I did mine in baltic birch and stained it. Now I think I might change mine to proof grade.