Folk are talking about the GFUI, and that is I guess where the work is sent to the machine when you have one, but it also apparently is where the free designs are and the materials that you can order. I say I guess because I cannot find a way to go there, and am apparently missing much I would like to learn about before the Gloforge arrives.
Obviously, I cannot actually use it to cut things out, but even if there was an error like " you don’t have a machine yet" I would like to be familiar as possible ahead of time and even burn off some of the anxiety of not having it yet.
I see you can buy extra glasses, and of course more But the designs that could be played with and to customize, materials for planning and estimating costs, so you can know what is available and at what cost etc could be on the same place even if there was the “paywall” of having paid for your before you could go there.
Even if you bought your first today and joined our little gang I don’t think the delivery would be until fall before you had your hands on one, and while that beats the two years or more some have been waiting, the patience per dollar might be similar if inversely related, and preparation would be a good way to keep busy in the meantime and ease that frustration a bit.
Thanks for the help everyone! I’ll make sure the team receives your suggestions @rbtdanforth.
Unfortunately we’re not able to make the shop available to all of our customers yet. Your account is enabled for access to the software just as soon as you finish setting up your unit. We’ve made the Glowforge software incredibly easy to use. We’re also at your service at if you get stuck with anything.
Right now, you can’t use the software without a Glowforge printer to connect to, so it’s not available until delivery.