Usually I make stuff for my doctor and his staff and bring it along when I go. This morning he postponed my appointment for at least 2 months. Still I think I can do a drive-by delivery (throw it on the front counter without touching or breathing).
I used the Keep Calm font from dafont. It’s just a little wider than 1.5" so the pin back fits.
I had some trouble with the files, and tried to modify it but it was giving me trouble, even after removing the extra hidden text. After spending a certain amount of time playing with it my decision was that I should probably just make my own version… So here it is, designed to fit on our ID badge. Thank you again for the awesome concept.
Sorry you ran into issues! Curious though… which file did you use? In Inkscape I usually use a few layers, but turn them off before saving the file for posting. Not aware that it would carry through with the invisible stuff…
I wanted to modify it to put that extra hole for the ID badge, and the PDF seemed to be rasterized, and the SVG pixelated the text even after downloading the font and then had super weird behavior after importing it into the glowforge gui , placing them in random spots that were not in the file and clustering them together. Even after the one image was copied and pasted into a brand new blank slate file it still acted strange. As I said I troubleshooted it it longer than it took to type it out and make two boxes.
Ok, I see more or less what happened. pdf’s are notoriously hard to pull apart. An option would have been to use the svg and resize it (inkscape vs illustrator) and add the hole. Or, save the pdf as a jpg and convert online with svg converter. Glad you got it figured out! Looks good!