Kumiko-Style Lantern

Ideally you want to have a point source of very bright light in the center of the design. when that happens you get great shadow/ light patterns, I have made several LED candle based lamps and as the candle is a point source when seen from above it makes terrific shadows on the ceiling but the slight height af the LED candle flame leaves only a blur on the walls. :thinking:

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You are absolutely correct. A single point source of light will cast beautiful shadows and multiple sources would make the shadows messy.
I guess I was thinking of the case in which there is a translucent sheet behind the pattern as in @tracypaul.warrington 's pic.

Here are some of the (metal) lamps/covers that I saw that were so entrancing. These are all curved so perhaps not possible (or difficult at least) via GF [besides perhaps better to get from Moroccan source/artisan - they could use the funds]
The last big one is doable I’d like to try sometime - at least as an exercise to learn how to do these.

Also thanks for the KaleidoPaint app link (but no thanks for the web version - I wasted a fair bit of time on that :stuck_out_tongue:) - when getting that (Android version) I came across this TileMaker app - which may be similarly useful (I haven’t played with it really):


Difficult perhaps, but possible…

I made many but never had enough call to make it worth the effort so now concentrating on more like this…


I’ve seen a lot of lamps in this style, and even made a few, but this is one of the most stunning in execution and detail. WOW.


Loving your various lamp designs. Look so good.
(I’m partial to the flat version of this one.)


How do you design the box? Use software to draw the patent or use Box.py to make the shape?

I draw my own patterns. :slight_smile:


Funny - I had totally forgotten about this design and pattern. I found a Kindle book on Kindle Unlimited about Kumiko designs and have been working on some things drawn from scratch. Then I saw this today. :smiley: Maybe subconsciously I was remembering how much I loved this and had to make some things of my own with this style. Hahaha


I love almost anything Japanese. Live there for 7+ years. Tokyo is an amazing place. As is the rest of the country. Maybe something like this for a larger one.


Heh. I have two of those stashed in a cabinet in the studio for similar projects. :grinning:

I’ve got two of them in my 2 yard lamp posts. (Now to watch the grammar peeps freak over two and 2 in the same sentence!)

a) I’m not a grammar freak often, and
2) that’s just wrong.


Awsome design. Thank you for posting

Definitely a violation of the APA style guide. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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It looks GREAT.

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I discovered another generator you might be interested in.



Oh, cool!

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This generator is so cool! I am going to have to try this out!!
Thank you for sharing.