Made with laser cut aluminum, Dura-lar, and brass wire, the sculpture is 11’ x 5’ and comes off the wall about 16" with a single motor propelling the whole contraption.
Follow the link to see the sculpture in action.
Made with laser cut aluminum, Dura-lar, and brass wire, the sculpture is 11’ x 5’ and comes off the wall about 16" with a single motor propelling the whole contraption.
Follow the link to see the sculpture in action.
Omigosh! I have no words for this, really… other than it’s marvelous. Like a bed of sea anemones undulating just below the surface. Amazing work both in scope and artistic skill. The video was mesmerizing. Thank you so much for sharing with all of us.
As Xabbess said, mesmerizing.
Stunning! What was is the thickness of the Dura-lar you used?
thank you I cut two layers of duralar at the same time with the settings at 400 for speed and 35 for the power. The thickness is .005
WOW - looking at the images I was like “eh, modern and lace not my thing” but seeing it move…wow.
Just fantastic. By far, the best art piece I’ve seen on here.
Definitely some crazy lace!
Wow - mind blown!!!
I salute your artistic inspiration and ability. Marvelous!
A wonderful mechanized mimicry of Nature. “Art - the conveyance of spirit by means of matter.”
The movement looks just like time-lapse videos of buds opening – the same little delicate trembling, hesitations when the petals hit each other, then suddenly flaring as they get past the obstacle…it’s beautiful!
A truly amazing piece!
WOW! Very nice! One of the most interesting pieces I have seen on this forum! Just fantastic!
Truly enchanted
Amazing! Playing that cool atmospheric background music while the petals open really adds to the experience; does it do that in real life?
So beautiful and very life like!
Always a treat to watch your kinetic sculptures!
Wow!! Just wow! This is a beautiful piece of art.
Thank you the sound is just for the video