Not sure if @ccurran is still around, it’s been two years, but this just hit my radar:
In Parable of Gravity, artist Casey Curran (previously) assembles a vast garden of delicate kinetic blossoms amidst an expanse of deterioration. The sweeping landscape, which is on view at Seattle’s MadArt through April 17, positions Curran’s pulsing...
Est. reading time: 5 minutes
If this looks familiar, go in the wayback machine to this:
Made with laser cut aluminum, Dura-lar, and brass wire, the sculpture is 11’ x 5’ and comes off the wall about 16" with a single motor propelling the whole contraption.
Follow the link to see the sculpture in action.
[image1] [image2]
and this:
Here’s a sculpture of a full size human figure hanging is space with a kinetic garden growing out of it’s back. Composed of thousands of dura-lar components there’s a small motor housed in the chest cavity that activates the opening and closing of the flowers. Needless to say this was hundreds of hours of work. Hope you like it
video link
and this:
Can’t go wrong with any of it:
Call this a distributed #necrogame too.
Thank you for creating!! This is a beautiful installation and I wish I could get to Seattle to see it in person as I know it would be spiritually uplifting.
Hee - laser burn!
Those things are even more studding en masse. I love how they look, and seeing them move is just entrancing.
1 Like
Stunning work. Beautiful.
May 11, 2021, 7:40pm
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