I just received my GF on Wednesday. Set it up and began working on Friday with simple engravings/cuttings.
This morning (Sunday 9/19) … the 3rd day of use, the GF laser wasn’t firing. I looked at other support tickets and did the following:
- Attempted to do the gift of good measure (GOGM) on medium draftboard proofgrade material - no cigar
- Removed Head, cleaned head… reran GOGM
- Removed and inspected mirror (pictures to follow)… reran GOGMat 2:18 PM CST 9/19/21 - no cigar
- Removed, cleaned, and inspected lense (pictures to follow) reran GOGM at 2:28 PM CST 9/19/21 - no cigar
Followed all instructions by GF staff noted in this post: Laser - Not Firing
At this point, I need support to contact me ASAP to attempt to resolve virtually and/or schedule a replacement.