Laser not working properly or at all

I have cleaned my machine, checked all the connections. I have tried to cut several different materials on several different settings. The power is set to full power. I’ve changed it several times. I don’t see a purple light in the laser tube. Nothing is cutting it quit mid project, but finish the project as if it were still cutting it. What are my options now? What do I need to do next

You will need to contact Glowforge support regarding this experience. Also, you may want to contact Wiregrass Technologies and ask about the red wire issue.


How do I contact glowforge support

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Click on the support link at the top of the page here, then contact. Phone number and support request form link are there.


I am right in the middle of a dealing with customer support. I had short in the red power wire and ended up paying 1600.00 to get a replacement machine.(refurbished) been waiting about two weeks. Then I send the other one back.
Good luck


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