Laser Tube and the Glowforge NewBee Kinda

Greetings :grin:
I’m the Husband/ Glowforge try to figure it out Guy. My Wife / Glowforge user, On occasion she comes to me and say, something like this… My Glowforge isn’t acting normal, can you take a look at it?
Ok folks the problem is she’s noticed a decline in power, and believes it may have something to do with the tube. Not sure why she correlates the two, but maybe she on to something? My question is how do I go about trying to figure this out? not sure were to start. By the way, we have had the machine for about 3,1/2 years.
Any help is greatly appreciated.


The first thing to do is optimize performance - meaning clean all of the optics and all of the fans. Then cut the Gift of Good Measure on Proofgrade material with Proofgrade settings. If the result is not excellent, go to the next step for assessing the problem Post a photo (front and back) of the Gift of Good Measure result.


Thank you for your suggestion. I’ll give it a try.


If you’re very heavy users it may be just that, but it would have to be heavy usage. They originally estimated the tubes would last for 2 years, and many people are on year 6 and still rocking along.

So yeah to what @dklgood said, and if it turns out your tube actually is losing power, contact Support with your data and they can adjust the output from their end so you get more output using the same settings.


A gradual loss of power – needing to go slower and slower to cut the same materials, especially thick ones – is how glass CO2 laser tubes reach their end of life. My first Glowforge got there after a few years of use cutting 1/4" MDF (thick draftboard). The support team, after eliminating other possible problems, can help extend the life of the machine by slowing down all the Proofgrade settings so you don’t have to manually adjust them. But eventually, the only fix is to replace the tube, which Glowforge only offers by trading in your machine for a refurbished replacement at significantly reduced price. Then they can refurbish your old one and offer it to the next person.


Thank you Dan 84,
so when the Tube does go out, you’ll need to ship the machine back to them for a refurbished unit?
Boy… Shipping cost! ouch!


Shipping will be handled by them and included in whatever cost they quote to you.


As recommended, the gift of good measure is a file support uses to troubleshoot the machine’s performance because it uses all of the laser functions.
If it doesn’t cut through completely they will ask for pictures of the front and back of the material, and pictures of all the optics.


thank you all for your time and input.


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