Last minute change of date

He stated that he checked every day, and the only day it changed was on the 13th. I don’t believe any of that. You’re saying you checked your email throughout one day and didn’t receive the expected shipping email. Totally different statements.

If that’s what you want, that’s exactly what you’ll get. It’s not in even the slightest danger of not happening. You weren’t going to receive it on the 13th. You were simply forecasted by beta software to possibly receive an email on that date. That same beta software then predicted a different date, based on current factors at the time of the prediction. None of that means you won’t get what you paid for. It simply means you may get it slightly later than beta software previously predicted you would. Yet you continue to feel persecuted, targeted, attacked, disregarded, and abused by the people responsible for creating the product you paid for. If you believe they deliberately ignore you, and changed your date purposely to mess with you, why do you want to have anything to do with such a company? If you don’t cancel your order, all of this is just irrational venting. We all need that sometimes, but you’re taking it to the next level. Some of the people “defending Glowforge” will be waiting longer than you to receive what they ordered, including myself. My date is in January. It has changed at least 4 times since it first appeared, sometimes earlier and sometimes later. I chose not to get upset at the beta software for making inaccurate predictions based on constantly changing data, but that’s just me.


Now, I am going have to agree with you in a few points. I am not sure what is more frustrating, having no date or seeing the date change every time you shipping date is like 2 days ahead. It is very unprofessional when has happens more than a few times. No one in a professional level can expect this as a response, over and over, and over, and wait, and over, and over again. Very, very frustrating. I am have been always the one to support the dream, the concept, even the delay, as an understandable part of the deal. The deal is becoming sour, and very frustrating.

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When I first ordered mine, I thought it would be a tool to start a new side business. After what will be well over two years of annoyance and frustration, it will just end up being the most expensive toy in my shop, as my business plan fell to pieces a while back.

Less than a week ago, the ship date changed from Dec. 27 to Jan 9, then today it changed to Jan 15.

Since life changes have made it impossible to actually use it before August, I guess they can keep dragging their heals on actually delivering on the thing. I don’t know when I will actually see it, but I do know I will never participate in another crowd-funded project.

I feel truly misled, as the original video and other information made it look like I could get one far sooner than was possible, and I find it difficult to believe the company wasn’t completely aware of this fact from the beginning.

Please don’t tell me to cancel my order if I don’t like the way things are. I find that more annoying than the constant delays.