Made these for my wife, have a few more pattern ideas to go though and make but this was fun to create
That’s a nice clever design. Looks pretty straightforward, any gotchas to think about if I were to try to replicate/imitate it?
Gottaale sure the holes are far enough apart from the edge to not rip a stitch but also not so close to the center it sticks way out. I e already submitted this design to the catalog
Can someone help me connect my glowforge to the internet
Go here and gollow the steps:
Hold down the white button on your glowforge until it turns teal-greenish blue. Then on whatever you are using-your phone, computer, tablet, go to the wifi list, and choose the one that says glowforge- something. When you click that, you’ll be disconnected from your home wifi, and connected to the glowforge.
After that, on your set-up screen, it will pull up the local wifi, then choose your home wifi and reconnect to it.
If you’re trying to do it from your phone using chrome and it tells you to use another device, click the desktop site option, then the page will refresh, then tell you to download something, when i hit my back button, it takes me straight to the connecting my gf step.
Lovely. “One more chapter”
No lie my wife is like a dragon but her horde is books, she’s got more books then I can shake a stick at, oh and she HATES not having the physical copy. I got her a Tshirt last year that said Book Wyrum as a joke but she loved it
I absolutely love this!!!
Love this design! Great job!
Thank you!
Thank you! I was gonna send it to you first but you took the weekend off
Wonderful work! Even bookmarks are made better a GF!
That is so true! Haha!
I like that! May have to make some for my wife and daughter
Are you sure my wife isn’t leading a double life?
Honestly, I think “Just one more chapter” will be on my tombstone.
Nice work on this.
What a great design! Never seen a bookmark like that before! Very nice.
Very nice and very respectful of the book!
That’s what my wife said too! It doesn’t bend the pages so she was very happy
It got accepted to the catalog so it should be ready to print soon!