Pinterest find, but no original source so hard to tell exact design. Might consider making it large enough to hold a passport or include a small coin purse.
I am having a hard time not abandoning all other activity and designing a combination wallet/notebook holder for myself right now.
The built-in pen holder is my favorite part.
Google Image Search. Includes a few more pictures. Perfect project for the laser and substantial cost savings.
Oh wow. That’s lovely. I know @Lauren put together a mason jar mug along those lines too that you can see on the homepage (in the montage picture at the top). Her version uses a plywood-reinforced handle that looks really sharp, though.
Keep in mind that you still need to stitch this together. A laser can’t quite do that part yet.
Handstitching leather is surprisingly easy though, do a quick search on YouTube and you’ll find a bunch of videos. In this case you can skip the awl punch altogether if you have the laser cut the holes for you.
I hadn’t sewn since home ec in high school - took me about 20 min to get the hang of it and stitch up the wallet. When the laser makes the holes it’s really, really easy, facilitated by the fact that the needle is dull so you can’t hurt yourself. : )
I’m using a $10 faux bookbook case for my phone right now.
I just might have to make something like this wallet and glue the phone mount from my case to it.
I had forgotten all all about that one! Anyone who tries this before I do, remember to make the back camera hole a lot bigger. They all had a little too much room to shift around in the case and the thickness of the back made the flash glare. Bigger hole helps out.
I have not done any leather work in almost 50 years, but I see the GF is going to push me into it. Difficult to say no to projects when after designing all that is left to do is some stitching, and that should go very well with precisely placed holes.
If I can do it (hadn’t previously sewn since Home Ec in high school), anyone can.
Since I’m passing through Vancouver next weekend I thought I’d grab some leather for a travel wallet like at the top of the thread. My plan is to stock a few supplies so I don’t get caught by my wife spending a ton of money once the Glowforge arrives…
Can an experienced leather worker confirm or advise me on a few things?
4-5 oz veg tanned, thinking of grabbing a double shoulder?
Fiebings or Tandy’s eco-flo dye?
Waxed nylon thread and stitching needles?
Missing anything? I’m thinking of not burnishing the edges as I hear the laser gives a nice edge finish.
I’d say the laser gives you an “B+” finish that doesn’t distract from the final product, but the real pros can make the edges look amazing.
I started making some patterns using Illustrator. What size are you making the holes? I used a 3pt thick dashed line (set to a 1pt dash, 6pt gap) and then converting the stroke to outline.
This reminds me of one of my favorite Field Notes wallets:
Thanks Dan. I trying nest the piece for the pocket. How large do you make the holes on your pieces? I printed out a piece on paper to check the dimensions. Looks like a good fit. I can’t wait to cut and engrave one.
<3 field notes <3