LED Badge

You are right! I did not notice. I thought I had embedded it.


Not much to look at, I had to run it two or three times to get it deep enough.


The battery is in contact with the LED when it is slid together. When you snap it into place it is on, when you take it apart it is off. I think it will last 24 hours, not sure. I will let you know after tomorrow.

Radio shack. No seriously, I have had them for a long time. Just like a LED throwie. I used a 10mm white LED and used a blue sharpie to color it.

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I love this. Great idea. The QR code at the top is genius.

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I also had a little trouble the first time I made it, because my middle material was not bigger than my LED, and my top center block slid down just a hair which did not allow the acrylic to snap in.
Wish.com is a good place to by LEDs if you have the patience to wait.

Awesome thank you!!!

I think the embedded gradient I used was lost when I uploaded it. I ran the engrave a few times to make enough clearance. Another option is to use something like a dremel tool and sand down the LED to fit.

I created a new acrylic insert for day 2. Got few people to scan the QR this time. The battery lasted over 2 days. Then I thought it would last longer if it flashed (since it is off for half the time, right?) So the kind people over a NightFire Electronics gave me one from there selection!

I also made an accidental discovery, it makes a great table display. Only three medium draftboards thick. Just omit the holes.



Ouch, not very kind to people with vestibular disorders in flash mode! :persevere:


Very nice project. Great share. Although, “…as if I have to be asked.” would be the unspoken refrain going through all our heads as we wear this badge.:rofl:


We met at the Orlando Maker Faire, and the badge (and its designer) are even cooler in person!



This is genius! Thank you for posting this!

Is the battery a 2032? It doesn’t seem to fit in the one I just cut.

Yes, CR2032. It is 20mm. Is yours to large or too small?

how come when I try to save the pic it says PNG and not svg?

The second file is for the “linked” png for the engrave. It gives some extra clearance for a 10mm LED.

Freakin’ awesome!

10mm? Sure it isn’t a 5mm?

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What microcontroller did you use to make the badge flash! Super cool!

Probably just a “Cycling” LED. Still 2 wires but the chip is built into the led. Just hook up power and go.

Something like this?

Yes, you are correct. It is for a 5mm LED.