LED Standoffs

7.50 per standoff here - plus power supplies and batteries:


I haven’t tried ordering… it looks pre-internet.


So where do you find plain standoffs?

Amazon carries them.


Thanks for all the tips on these stand offs! I had 2 on my bench waiting to be tried. I figured if I was going to use them up, I might as well take advantage of a full sheet of proofgrade medium clear acrylic to see how the light transfers. I learned a few lessons along the way. the proofgrade material was too thin for the space in the standoff. meaning the LED lights sit proud of the material when you screw the cap on. This is easily solved by printing a washer of the same hole size and rubbing it thin on some sandpaper so that the acrylic will sit inline with the LEDs. I’m still learning with the photo engravings as I tried to use Image splitter for the higher res photo and tile it back together in inkscape. Looking close, I still have visible lines where the tiles are needing to match up. I might have to try reducing resolution and engraving in one go. Overall, I think I like the effect and want to do it again:


That’s lovely! :grinning:

looks great. which ones did you end up using? and what’s the power source (i can’t tell in your image)?

Thank you. These are ones similar to the amazon linked above. these are blue. had I known about the $7 dollar ones I might have tried those mentioned above. however, the adapter mine came with allowed for it to be plugged right in with expansion slots for a few more. pre-drilled two holes on each. 1 for the wire and 1 for the mounting screw.