Light Switch Covers Design Files

Conductivness doesn’t matter because any hot lead should be no where near it, plus it would pass power thru to the front. Worst case is a tripped breaker. They actually sell the metal backing but it gets pricey. The aluminum tape should work.


I think it’s flame resistant… non-flammable might make for uncomfortable pjs.


These are so awesome!!! Is there a way to get the zip file for these so I can download them on an iPad?

Aaak! You’re right–I should have done that originally. Okay, I added it to the original post at the bottom.



you can still export svg just make sure you uncheck the responsives box. That takes care of the size change, Theres a whole explanation behind why it does that, but I kinda forgot lol.


Thanks for this.

love this!!

Thanks for the files! Here are my first attempts. I backed them with light switch insulation padding thingies from Lowes!
The design is from a free coloring page I found online! I used alchohol markers for color.


Wow, they look fantastic!


Thank you for sharing this.

Thanks! Too much fun!

I have used plastic switch plates and color filled after engraving.


Wow, nice work!

These look absolutely great! Was the plastic safe to laser?

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Gorgeous! This really needs its own separate post so people can bug you for details without derailing the OP’s free design post. :slight_smile:

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These are super. A great decorative addition without being overwhelming.

I’m always amazed at what unique things people come up with here.


@clyde I’m also curious about this.

When asking about safety, I assume you mean fumes (they do not flare up). I cannot assure they are safe fume wise but I have it vented and it does not give of heavy fumes. They are intended for electrical home use and their might be fire codes that regulate permissible plastics. The plastics look and feel different from the various manufacturers. I am pretty confident they are not PVC.

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That is what I like about them. They are subtle design elements that can reflect your interests. In my case, typography, NYC skyscrapers and old style printing engravings