Living Hinge 10” Bowl - Look ma no glue!

Nice share, thanks!

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Hi, just wanted to share my bowl and thank you again for the design - love it!
It’s perfect for my Coffee Pods!

I made a video to share with potential new UK based Glowforgers as well as there aren’t too many of us but If they come across it, they’ll be able to head your way as I gave you a much-deserved shoutout!


Your bowl turned out great. What is it made out of?


Thanks David! I used 1/8” birch plywood and stained it with mahogany dye.


Looks great!! Love the Mahogany stain. I always love seeing how people use my designs, this one is amazing!


Thank you sir! That’s great feedback! I may have to make a few more as gifts for family and friends!


do you think it would work with acrylic?

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I think if you added heat to it you could bend it. But Acrylic is too brittle to force into shape.

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thanks still new at this


No Worries! This forum is a great place to ask questions and learn.


I love this design. So, I gave it a remix:

  • living hinge replaced with a dual spiral cut
  • deleted cross pins by shortening the bottom tabs and making them a force fit
  • fattened up the 4 top pins for a force fit.
  • added a meander (scored in this photo but should be engraved, which will help hide the top pins)
  • increased the size of the cutouts in the legs
  • added a bit of height

seems to stay together well enough without glue.

Bowl with hinges no pin spiral mce


Looks great! Thank you for sharing.

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Very cool! Love to see variations on a theme! Love the Grecian key!


Thank you so much for sharing this file. I’ve had this file for awhile and have been working on it forever (or so it seems) and I can’t seem to get it to work. This is the 4th time I’ve tried cutting out this bowl and the machine cuts it great but for some reason when I get ready to bend it down, it always breaks. Any suggestions?

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I am sorry you are having issues with it. Try wetting the wood before you press down. Also I press from the outside in slowly rather than just pushing down on the center. I hope that helps.

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It certainly does. Thank you so much!


I have had luck softening plywood by wrapping it in wet paper towels and microwaving it for short periods.

Bend it into place once soft and hold/clamp it there until it dries.


I really appreciate the advice on this. Do you fold the bowl out after it cools or before that process?

Give it a few minutes to soften in the hot wet paper towels, then push the wood where you want it. Hold it in place while it dries out

I will certainly try it. Thank you for your advice on this. I will let you know how it goes.