Lots of coasters

I bought 100 cheap paper coasters on the Amazons dot com and decided to print some up for a trip to the New England coast I have coming up with some friends. I spent a lot of time messing around with the DPI, power, number of passes, etc. Very happy with the results thus far.

I also picked up some cheap cork coasters as well. A friend of mine did the design- it commemorates mine and another friend’s 40th, for which we’re all headed to New England next month to celebrate. I printed 24 of the lighthouses on cork and figured everyone could take two home as a memento.

I just wish i would have have paid more attention to the thickness of the cork I purchased. These are pretty thin, I should have gotten the thicker 1/4 inch coasters. Ah well, next time.


They came out great!

Just glue another blank coaster under each engraved one to give them a more heft.


Lovee these!

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Nice! I also have a bunch of thin cork discs. One trick I used is to print a ring of wood and glue it to the coaster. It gives it a bit more heft and a finished look. E.g. Photo coaster. Unfortunately I didn’t take a picture of the final product after I tuned the engraving settings to not be so dark, but you get the idea.


Those turned out great! I really like the themes you’ve chosen. :grinning:

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I do the same with my coasters. Well, a ring of glue plus an X of glue so the center doesn’t warp/sag over time.

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I was thinking of doing a wooden disc underneath it, just slightly larger than the coaster and then gluing a ring to it. this way the coaster sits inside… know what i mean?

i’m gonna give that a go tonight when i get home.


I think that may be a different approach… this is just a circle around the outside. Cork is nice because it provides some traction. Putting the wood underneath sort of defeats that. The nice thing about coasters is there are so many different ways to make them! It’s my go-to experiment, so I have far too many…


Oh, I see. Yeah, I usually just cut a disk the size of the coaster for a whole cork layer on the bottom. To each their own! :slight_smile: