Our second machine looks like this as well. Its just the fact that I have had issue after issue with this refurb machine and there is no way to get ahold of customer service. That right there is why I wish I would have researched companies more.
Yeah it’s becoming pretty obvious that support is seriously lacking as of late. I hope you’re able to get that hose off the wheel and use your machine.
I would just hate for something to happen to it after me reporting it to gf and then them not replacing it since I continued to use it.
Yeah I can understand that. I hope they get back to you soon.
Well I am going to use it so wish me luck. Thanks everyone
But at 6K for a new GF, you can often find a used Trotec, UL or Epilog. Crowdsource pricing was good, but current pricing isn’t all that competitive if you’re willing to go used (for a higher quality commercial machine) or overseas (for a commodity from China).
It’s the marketing and the ease of use that’s still GF’s edge. And the ease of use isn’t a big delta for folks who make their own designs in a design app (not the GF Premium “designers”).
They are much larger though, right? The commercial ones.
I’m in the same boat as PTL, back when I heard about the GF, people I know using lasers had spent $20k or so (a few years earlier).
For me it’s another tool, a valuable and useful one. As mentioned in another thread, sometimes you need a hammer, sometimes a screwdriver. For me, sometimes a laser. I’ve also needed my impact gun and brad nailer this past week…
Most of them have desktop type models that are about the same area as the Glowforge (Trotec Speedy 100, Epilog Zing, and Universal VLS230 or 350). Ultimately, they’ll weigh quite a bit more since they are steel cabinets, and have a larger foot print since you’ll need a separate extraction fan, etc.
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