Magic SVG emails

Hi all. I do not post often(sorry!) but I do have a concern/comment about the MagicSVG emails. I have used Magic SVG a few times (very interesting stuff - and mostly very cool!) and have had no issues receiving them to my gmail. Today however I received 4 of someone else’s creations sent to my gmail. My gmail obviously used but with another person’s name linked to it. I have been logged out of GF for the last week as I’ve been on vacation. Has anyone else received items that are not theirs? I feel bad for the individual waiting on their designs.

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Were they all for the same person?

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No…2 different people but in one instance the same subject matter. It is strange. I will just put initials and not list names but here are receipt times and subjects.

12:01PM “Cloud with rounded corners” - for AH
12:06PM “Cloud with rounded corners” - for JH
12:13PM “Cloud with rounded corners” - for AH
12:50PM “Tree Ornamant that has a girl pop singer with bangs” - for AH

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Yeah, that’s weird. It’s almost like there’s a bug where it defaulted to your email address or something.


There are occasional glitches like that, If there are humans involved in any of it, it is easy to miss which line you are looking at and slip up or down. I had one design in the catalog that got lost for several months and someone else’s design ended up on my list till I called attention to it.

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That’s what I wondered but then I was concerned that my account may have been hacked. Changing passwords anyway. Thanks for your reply!


Ugh that must have been frustrating. I do feel bad for the person/people as they might be anticipating those emails for a project… Thanks for responding.


Frustration is a matter of perspective. If you are expecting everything to happen perfectly you will get very frustrated. If you sell something promising what you cannot control, both you and your customer will get very frustrated.
If you work based on worst case sceanerio suprises will always be positive.


I haven gotten any of my emails. I wonder if some other poor soul has been getting them. I just assumed I had blocked the email somehow.

Reminds me of the random light switch gag where you don’t know what it does but you keep randomly flipping it anyway. And your neighbor is like there that light is doing it again!


I’m in the same boat. I sent in a ticket but never heard back…but as it wasn’t something I cared deeply about I never followed up!

@nlzuleger, you should definitely reach out to actual Support (they have phone, email, and Discord now) and let them know. Both because they should be able to fix it for you, and send the actual owners their images!