Magic: the Gathering Life Tracker

From my past self:


Ahhhh, I used that tool, but forgot about the crowbar. Thanks!

Also, I think per the forum’s implicit norms you’re actually supposed to say “Previously.” Although I guess stating that has now turned it into an explicit norm.

(Sorry, my group theory neurons just randomly fired…never mind, carry on!)

Wow, that’s a neat trick to get the SVGs from the calculator.

Since the planetary gears calculator is only needed for the number of teeth, you could also go with any other gear generator (I like the gears-dev extension for Inkscape) once you know the teeth value you need. That lets you play around with angles and all the other spur gear options that I don’t really know what they do.

@geek2nurse I’m not sure if you’re using Inkscape or not, but I’ve found that its rotational centers are correct for gears even without the external circle.

And I love that you’re modifying it and making it your own! I can’t believe the legs that this design has.


I mostly use Affinity Designer; it can create gears, but it hadn’t occurred to me to try generating these there. I think all the terminology I don’t understand made me think I couldn’t manage it on my own!


Just love this thread. Can’t wait to make a set of these for my adult children who love MTG.

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My first day on my new Glowforge, very happy with the results!


The patterns you chose are fabulous


Had to try this! Worked great. Next time I’ll use something other than draft board. Thanks for the file and instructions!


Im having trouble finding the actual file, i see the links to the videos and how to make it but not the actual file

Welcome to our group! :partying_face:

There are several variations you can download here mostly as SVGs so many folk have trouble recognizing them. If you see little or even tiny line images you can right-click on them and download is an option, and they should arrive as an SVG like this
(i think)

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For this entire forum, it’s a right click and save system - you’ll need to be using something other than IE or Edge (it won’t work in those), but Chrome, Safari, & Firefox all do (and possibly some others). You want to Save Image as SVG



Is there an attachment here with the numbers that’s available? I’d love that too. I’m a newbie so I’m still figuring out how I would put the numbers on it. Would you be able to tell me if could do that in AI as well or if I’d need to recreate the file in PS or somewhere? Thanks!

It’s there in the post you replied to - it’s just tiny right at the end of the sentence. Right click and hit save as (in Chrome/Safari/Firefox - it won’t work in IE or Edge)


Wow, thank you so much! I was able to see it in Firefox, I was using Chrome. :slight_smile:

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wow… now thats magic…

Thanks so much to everyone who shared their files! I made mine for D&D and I mixed the wood colors.


Those really look great. I like the way you created contrasting colors with the wood selections. Excellent work!!

Thought I absolutely do not have any clue of the games (?) you are talking about and what to use these trackers for, I absolutely will find a purpose. I want to make these so badly, they look so neat especially in the different kinds of wood. Very nice and the gift of the free design is highly appreciated!


WHHHOOOAAAA PEOPLE!!! I have to tell yah. I think I was around when this was fairly new. This post, I mean. There was only the original one. No re-designs. No shenanigans of sort. To look back to see how it has been changed up is CRAZZZYYY!

While the whole world is quarantined…we shall be sitting at home having fun.
My hubby asked if I went shopping. I said “yep, I got wood, glue, some acrylic, placed an order at paint supply, and tomorrow I have to order masking.”

Don’t really think it was the answer he was looking for by his response. But I still laughed!!


So this was my first real print as a new GF owner. Came out fantastic with one or two ‘questions’. So mine came out without numbers. The dots are there, but the 0, 5, 10…are missing. When I open the file in inkscape the numbers are present. For some reason they do not transpose to the Glowforge app. Did I miss something? Probably a simple setting since I am new.

Second, is there a way to globally reduce the size of the parts? I would like to scale this down to a slightly smaller size. Is there a simple way to shrink all of the parts equally by about 20% or do I need to start over and build from scratch? I plan to anyway for the experience, but the impatient 3 year old in me wants another one NOW…

Thank you.