Magnets on Glowforge Aura

Can we used magnets to help the wood board to stay in place? my board came bended. And because of that my Aura laser is not cutting properly, there are some areas that are not cutting all way through.
Thanks for your help :heart:

You can definitely use magnets - but you’ll want to add something to their tops so they don’t try to magnetize the head as it goes over them.

  • Best solution I know of is to use old hard drive magnets, because they already have a piece of steel on one side - if you don’t have any old hard drives you’re willing to break apart you can almost always buy them off eBay. For wood you want the thicker ~1/8" magnets, for paper you can use the 1/16")

  • If you have any metal in your house you could stick to them that will also work.

  • A thick piece of wood will often diffuse the magnet enough as well, but be careful not to make it so thick the head hits it.

  • Lastly you can just keep the magnets out of the head’s path.

I hope you post some of your project when you get this figured out!


I made a mess with magnets for a year before I figired out that the magnets were doing it. With an Aura there is a different arrangement of problems than a pro but a few facts about the magnets can be helpful.

  • Cup magnets come in smaller sizes and direct the energy in one direction, shielding the other. Be sure to test where the field is with something like a small screwdriver if you can feel the field near something magnetic above the magnet it is a no go.
  • Tiny magnets have tiny fields. timy magnets <5mm are plenty strong at zero distance, but the strength dropps off very quickly. With several glued side by side they still lose strength very quickly above or below, but they are closest to below.

Thanks you both👍 the magnets just arrived, they are tiny (2mm) and I am about to try