March 24, 2021, 5:57pm
this thread might have the info you need:
In order for my settings to make sense, here’s my Material:
I see some people recommending another material; but the shipping of $13+ for a single sheet was just more than I could do when Amazon delivers it in 2 days for no more than the purchase price.
I borrowed settings from
Cutting took two passes at 185/full - and even then it wanted a gentle pull to separate the cut piece from the original bit.
I took this tutorial for a spin; but I can’t seem to get rid of the edge cutting deeper th…
My experience with the orange stamp material was… not great. I switched to the clear laser stamp art polymer from RubberStampMaterials.com and have had great results.
here’s a great tutorial for that material:
Hey folks. I had need of a stamp saying Thank You for some cards I’m making, so I thought I’d walk folks through the process in case you want to try it. First of all, I’m using Art Stamp Laser Polymer from Jackson Marking Products. I prefer it for my stamping as you can mount it to an acrylic block and see through it to where you are stamping. They do also supply the opaque rubber laser stamp material as well, and you would prepare the file the same way, but your settings would be different …