Attached below are images of what I’m trying to cut and what resulted. I first tried looking up this issue and made sure to wipe down the bars and that the belt drives have proper tension, but this is still the result. In the .svg file, I put in a 12"x12" outer square for alignment purposes, however, I make sure to delete the outer square after uploading to glowforge so that only the inner pattern is cut.
Welcome to the forum.
Is there a chance that you moved/bumped the printhead while the machine was on? If so, to fix this problem, simply turn the machine off and back on. After it goes through the homing/centering procedure things should return to normal. Never move the printhead with the machine on.
I just tried resetting it and it’s still making wildly random cuts, it seems to be shifting to the right all the time especially when it goes over it again for the repeat cuts.
Which Glowgforge do you have? If you have an Aura/Spark, this behavior has been reported when the rails are not clean - including the area around the magnetic dock.
I swear I cleaned it the first time, I cleaned it again and it came out absolutely perfectly. Fixed the problem, thanks so much!!!
Actually, just tried my second print, it started shifting right again, perhaps I need to keep cleaning in all other areas? Will keep trying-
As I understand it, you will need to clean it before every use so to not see the problem. Also, all the medium plywood, draftboard, and any MDF are horrible for making more crud than about anything you can cut, and the Aura as you have seen is particularly vulnerable.
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