Maps again! Miami!

Another map cut from cardstock. This time Miami, Florida. Lovely place been there couple of times. Miami beach is awesome!

We had some discussion on flyaways in my previous post. Some of the potential flyaways is this map were large enough to fit neodymium magnets. So had to go back and forth roughly 3 times with magnet placement. Place, scan, focus and repeat till the magnet placement wouldn’t interfere with the laser cutting the cardstock. Rest of the flyaways were small enough to either burn up or fall thru the crumb tray. Hope this tip is useful.


Wow, moving magnets mid-cut, that is real dedication. This came out beautifully.

Your office is going to be a real piece of art when your done filling it with these! :smiley:


Ops, sorry I was not clear, it was not mid-cut. I aligned the magnets before the cut, when the design was being sized on the webpage. once the magnets were placed the cut starts with no interruptions.


gotcha, still I say it sounds like a very precise job… it’s really nice.

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Thank you.

Beautiful! But having lived there for years I would have included at least past Key Biscayne and probably further to the north tip of Key Largo as that was my stomping (and sailing) grounds, Fewer roads (but more Rhodes) perhaps but far more interesting.

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You may have to start giving directions on the very detailed maps.

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Is the ‘white’ parts of the map the actual cut then you’ve placed a blue background behind it? Wow, that’s some precision if that’s the case! Beautiful!

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Thank you. Yes, the white part is the street network that is cut out of cardstock.

I may have to use this as inspiration for an anniversary gift to my wife - it’s our tenth this year and we went to Miami for our honeymoon from the UK. Stayed in Brickell at the Hilton - not used to such swankiness! Lovely work.


These are so nice. And making me realize the importance of nice framing.

Where do you get your frames and matte?

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Thank you, the matted frames were purchased from Amazon, about 12$ per frame.

And the next question is where are you getting that thickness of cardstock at that size? I assume you’re using one large piece?

These look cool! I haven’t done a map yet. Does that mean I lose my Glowforge card?

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It is 11x17 inch cardstock 110 lbs weight. and Amazon again. Not going to craft stores looking for cardstock.

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I sure hope not, because I haven’t tried a map yet either.


On the contrary, :smile: I need to earn mine… lot of things to learn and do, maps is just what caught my eye with my CNC (engravings) and then decided to get a laser cutter. In my opinion laser cut maps look waaaaayyy cooler than CNC engraved maps. :smile:


Yes I agree, I will do a plywood map of that area where I can add islands easily. The cardstock wouldn’t be rigid enough to support the map with a single “bridge/roadway” to the island, if that makes sense, e.g., Fisher island at the bottom right is merged to the frame so it is not left hanging.

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Sorry for the question, Im new with glowforge. Stil havent try it wet. Why did you use magnets?